Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Livin la vida baby

I cannot believe this baby girl is already 2 weeks old... yet I feel like we've had her forever! I am finally beginning to feel like I've got a handle on this mommy thing. I've got a great baby- she hardly cries and only wakes up twice in the night to feed!

I did, however, go through a hard time last weekend: I stopped breast feeding. I had breast reduction surgery in 2004, and I knew that I might have a problem with milk production, as the surgery completed unattached and then reattached my nipple. At Ali's first doctor visit she wasn't gaining weight, so the doctor suggested supplementing nursing with formula. It broke my heart to not be able to provide enough for her to eat, but I was more concerned with my baby's happiness and health. We waited and waited for my milk to come in, and to my sadness it never did. So I gave up, and I felt like a failure as a mom. However, I now realize it wasn't my fault, and what milk she did get from me was beneficial, and that formula-fed babies turn out just as healthy and loved as breast-fed. And the brightest side? It only takes 15 minutes to feed her at night, vs. 1 1/2 hours when I was trying to nurse! I don't think Ali is mad about it and she still loves me the best :-)

1 comment:

Andréa said...

Lord knows i have had my ups and downs with it, and I felt like a failure too, but in the end Ali will love that you look into her eyes when giving her a bottle. I still rubb B's hair, just so he knows I am right there. Sorry you couldn't breast feed, but glad Ali is doing so well!!

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