Friday, November 14, 2008

It gets worse

Kris's dad made it here last night... and announced he is not heading back home until MONDAY morning. That means our entire weekend will be devoted to entertaining our guest. That also means no time to just relax and reconnect with my family. You do not know how much I was looking forward to having Sunday afternoon to just be us.
I know Kris has a weird relationship with his dad and they are not close enough to really talk and be comfortable around each other, but I wish he could just ask him to leave on Sunday instead!

I really feel depressed. I have so much that I want to talk to my husband about, and there is virtually no alone time with his dad around. We have not had a moment's time alone- he got home Wednesday and was so rushed in trying to get his school stuff done and get settled back in before his dad's arrival that we ended up asleep at 7:45 without barely getting a chance to speak.
And I'm sure his crazy mom will have to be over at our house the second his dad leaves.. plus Kris is now in basketball season and will be at practices and then games until March... it's ridiculous.

OH and did I mention I have a terrible cold and my sinuses are so congested ? I can feel it in my gums (seriously) and I'm achy all over. I think Ali is getting sick again too- she woke up from last night's sleep throwing up- fabulous. All that I want to do when I get home is sleep.. not going to happen because the man has no experience with babies besides Kris and is not comfortable with Ali alone...

It's just so hard because Kris's dad really is a nice guy,and this is the only time he has ever seen Ali- but he has not concept of the fact that our family has not been OUR family in over a week. Did I mention that he invited someof his friends over to our house on Saturday? Yeah- so we get to entertain more people that we hardly know! It keeps getting better and better.
I really do not know how I'm going to make it through with a positive attitude. I know that in the whole scheme of things it will not be a big deal...
But I still feel like at any moment I could just crumble.
And my ignorant husband has no clue.


Sweetbabs said...

Oh sweetie!!! That just makes me want to cry. I wish I lived by you cause I would totally come over and give you a big hug and take you and the little one out for awhile. Be strong and try your hardest not to kill your man come Monday.

Sweetbabs said...

It is Sunday and I just wanted to check in to see how you are doing. E-mail me if you feel like ranting I am a good listener or in this case reader. My e-mail is .I hope you are okay.

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