Thursday, July 10, 2008

34 Weeks

I've made it to 34 weeks! I had a check-up yesterday- apparently everything is as it should be- my doctor hardly talks to me besides taking the heartbeat, measuring my uterus, and asking if I have any questions. Do I have any questions!? Of course! Like 1 billion! But do I ever ask them - NO, because I'm a dork. I guess if I was really that worried or curious I would speak up... it is amazing how I look to the internet or the books I have to answer my questions, when I have a real, live Expert to help me if need be! ahhh well....

KK and I also attended our first labor and delivery class at the hospital last night. I was so thankful that it wasn't cheesy or weird- just very informational and relaxing- I think he will even go back next week! (it's a 4 week class, we're taking our attendance week by week). I was actually totally interested in everything the woman teaching it said. It was interesting to me to learn all the technical jargon and really, what to look for to know you are in labor. ( I thought that would be good info to know!) KK also said he learned a lot and only was bored once or twice, which is a small victory on my part.

The funny part of the class was this gross couple who of course sat right next to us during the breathing techniques portion of the class. First of all, these people where largely overweight, they came in with a Big Gulp to share from our local 7-11. Why do people support the stereotypes associated with them? C'mon now! The woman had on sweat pants (it was friggin 95 degrees yesterday) and a cut-off t-shirt with a sports bra underneath. She was also sporting a spectacular hair scrunchy from the 90s. The mad had on a sweet Disneyland hat and beat-up skater shoes- it was ridiculous. However, Sadly, it made me feel better about my own weight gain. But back to my story- her husband breathed so loud through his nose that you could here his exhaling the entire time we were watching the teacher's power point presentation- and he kept laughing during inappropriate times- like when the teacher would talk about the mucus plug, or having a bladder infection, for example. idiot
So when we made it to the floor for the relaxation technique/breathing portion at the end of the class, those cool people plopped themselves down next to me and KK- it's karma, I know...
let me just say I'm glad these people have love, have a lot of it, and they are not afraid to share with any and all who have the pleasure of being in their company. They kissed, caressed, and canoodled waaaaaayyyy beyond what was necessary to create a calm environment. I was trying not to watch so that I would not vomit and/or laugh my face off- I mean geez people, I need these relaxation techniques and tidbits.. save the PDA for the bedroom!
Needless to say, it was overall an educational and enlighting (in more ways then one) experience.. I'm looking forward to next week's adventure- I mean- class!
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Unknown said...

Glad to hear the class wasn't too bad. My husband ended up liking it a lot better than he thought he would... in fact he was terrified the first night although he wouldn't admit it ;)

Tara @

Kerry said...

I was cracking up reading your description of this couple and their odd behaviour!

Nanette said...

DAHAHAHAHA! You poor gal! What a crazy couple!

Andréa said...

Sqeee! I can't believe it is almost here? Are you gonna blog while contracting (like moi?) Let me tell you, the nurses must have thought I was a freak of nature :D

As for fatty big gulp and her husband... hello! don't you know that sugar agrivates the baby? Dumb ass. You just tell them that if they sit next to you next class you have a very close friend in Texas that may or may not have some Italian family in the mob :D JK!

Can't wait to see the baby girl!

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